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The First Komar Orthodontic Symposium

On the morning of Thursday, June 17th, 2021 The dental faculty at the Komar university of science and technology conducted, in liaison with the Dental syndicate in Sulaymaniyah (Chaired by Dr. Sangar Sarchil), their first Komar orthodontic symposium. Furthermore, Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj represented KUST as the Vice President of Academic and Students Affairs.

The symposium was chaired by Dr. Soza Abdulaziz. The first speaker was Dr. Yad Sardar Zanganah consultant oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and lecturer at KUST was presenting a lecture about:  Orthodontic indications for the removal of wisdom teeth.

Furthermore, the second speaker was Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohammed Rafid Alkhanaq from the college of Dentistry / Mustansiriya University/ Baghdad. He presented 2 lectures. The first was  titled Dental Asymmetry or the non-extraction treatment of unilateral crowding.

After a short coffee break, the session was presented by Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohammed Rafid  Alkhanaq under the title of Non-surgical treatment of severe cases of Class II malocclusion.

By the end of the symposium, the presenters answered some questions from the audience. These topics were chosen because the more conservative approaches of non-extraction and non-surgical methods have become more popular lately in the correction and management of space discrepancies and malocclusion.
