
List of University Courses

Course Code:CMP1300
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:Level 4
Course Description:


Course Code: EGH1310
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:Level 4
Course Description:

Course Code:EGH1311
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:EGH1310
Course Description:

Course Code:SOS1205
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:Level 4
Course Description:

Course Code:HUM1300
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:EGH1310
Course Description:

Course Code:EGH3215
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:EGH1310
Course Description:

Course Code:HUM3215
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3320
Course Description:

List of College Courses

Course Code:MED1300C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course: Foundation 2
Course Description:

The course of general medical biology is designed to enable and encourage the students

·         Describe the steps in the scientific process and list the importance of biology to society and their everyday life.

·         Understand the themes and characteristics of life.

·         Describe the complexity of cell structure and function.

·         Compare and contrast different methods of energy production and explain the importance of energy to sustain the organizational levels of life

Course Code:MED1305C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course: Foundation 2
Course Description: Physics became an important and essential part of the study programs for the all medical students. This course of physics for students from medical departments provides the most important Principles for the first year students – college of medicine. The basic laws of mechanics applied to body and bio-systems will be discussed. A portion of this course explores the main properties of materials used in dentistry. Physics for medical students emphasizes the application of various field of physics (e.g. Lasers, ultrasound, and x-ray) to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the Field.

Course Code:MED1100
Credits Hours:1
Prerequisite Course: Foundation 1
Course Description:

Medical terminology is the study of the principles of medical word building to help the student for covering a large area of medical vocabulary used in health care occupations. Students receive a basic medical terminology through a study of root words, prefixes and suffixes.

Course Code:MED1310C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED1300C + MED1100
Course Description: Anatomy is the science that deals with the structure and function of the body. It is important for the students to have knowledge and understanding of the basic anatomic terms. The accurate use of anatomic terms by medical personnel enables them to communicate with their colleagues both nationally and internationally. Also it is important for them to have knowledge about the basic structures of the body such as skin, bone, muscle, etc, because understanding these basic structures help them better and easier understanding of the other regions of the body such as the limbs. Then we will discuss each system in detail.

Course Code:MED1200
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:MED1300C
Course Description: Discoveries in genetics is opening up a new era of understanding, both of ourselves and of the world around us. Genetics give us insight into what contributes to our development and individuality. This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the concepts of human genetics and discuss ramification of gene structure, gene function, how genetic information is passed on from parent to child (inheritance), and an important area within clinical genetics involving diagnosis, prognosis, and risk assessment and in understanding and treating genetic diseases.

Course Code:MED2305C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED1310C
Course Description: Lecture topics and laboratory experiences incorporate the basic topics in microscopic anatomy of the human body. The course deals mainly with basic tissues (epithelium, connective tissue (including: adipose tissue, bone and cartilage), muscles and nerves). In the lectures, the normal microscopic and submicroscopic structure of cells and tissues of the body are described. In Laboratory sessions students will examine and analyze the materials being studied using light microscope. Students should be able to differentiate the various histological structures from each other. Functional correlations often with some elements of clinical significance are presented throughout the course.

Course Code:CHM2415C
Credits Hours:4
Prerequisite Course:DEN1310C
Course Description: This course is designed to provide an introductory course for students of health sciences. The course deals with the structure, properties, and significance of the biochemical compounds (amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and vitamins). Major metabolic processes and pathways related to these biomolecules are described, with emphasis on relevant clinical situations. The plan of study prepares students for careers in biomedical research, industrial biochemistry, or biotechnology. In addition, it provides the background for post-graduate studies in the life sciences or professional studies in medicine, pharmacy, and clinical chemistry.
The practical part of this course focuses on basic biochemistry experiments in relation to pH and buffers, enzymes behavior, amino acid titration curves, and qualitative and quantitative assays of the biochemical compounds. All these will be discussed and typical procedures for investigation of these materials will be performed in the laboratory.

Course Code:MED2300C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED1200
Course Description: The scope of medical bacteriology and mycology are the area of knowledge covering the bacteria and fungi that cause human disease through giving information on Epidemiology, rout and transmission of disease, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis

Course Code:MED2310C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED2300C
Course Description:

This course is composed of two parts; in the first part student will study virology and the second part the student will take parasitology.

Virology occupies a unique position in contemporary biology. Viruses that cause important human diseases are still being emerged. Further, our gradually developing knowledge concerning the nature of latent and persistent viral infections may soon provide clues regarding the causes of some chronic conditions and the involvement of viruses in cancer.

In view of its central role in contemporary biology and medicine, virology provides an important conceptual framework that must not only be mastered by graduate and medical students, but is also becoming important in undergraduate curricula.

Virology discipline consists primarily of the following major spheres which reflect the mechanisms by which clinical virology is practiced in hospitals:

1. The core knowledge of pathogenic viruses relevant to the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases.
2. The establishment and direction of infection control programs across the continuum of care.
3. Public health and communicable disease prevention and epidemiology
4. The specific and administrative direction of a diagnostic laboratory.

The second part is designed to provide the students with basic information about the general biology, life cycles, modes of transmission, and pathogenesis of major parasites (protozoa, worms, and arthropods) on global human health.

Course Code:MED2405C
Credits Hours:4
Prerequisite Course:MED1310C
Course Description: A systematic hands-on approach to understanding human physiology. Study of the physiological principles, function, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system and organism level: integumentary system, bone, skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles, nervous system, sensory organs, cardiovascular system, lymphatic and immune systems, respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system, endocrine system, and reproductive system as well as some of their common pathologies. Experiments are performed in the laboratory to illustrate functional characteristics of cells, membranes, and organ systems discussed in lecture and to provide direct experience with lab techniques, recording systems and methods of data analysis. 

Course Code:MED2200
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:MED2305C
Course Description: The major content of the course is basic immunology and the understanding of the mechanisms behind how the immune system is continuously prepared to defend us against infections. In addition, the course contains an overview over how the immune system can sometimes damage our bodies, as in autoimmune disease and allergy.

Course Code:MTH3320
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:40CHs
Course Description:

Course Code:MED3300C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED2305C + MED2200
Course Description: The General Pathology concentrates on origins, pathogenesis and mechanisms of changes that occur in diseases which affect human being and the consequences on the cellular and molecular levels and how these correlates clinically. The Course emphasizes “the language of disease” as a necessary foundation for self-education and lifelong learning.
This course covers the major pathological principles and mechanisms of human diseases that include cellular adaptations, cellular injury, inflammation, tissue repair, hemodynamic disorders, infectious diseases, immune system diseases and neoplasia.

List of Department Courses

Course Code: DEN1310C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course: Foundation 2
Course Description:

This course is intended to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the modern theory in general

inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry, that is related to their interest. It covers basic background of many topics that would be addressed, in more detail, in General  chemistry II or any advance course and also covers many important topics such as matter and energy; measurements, alloys,

and units; stoichiometry; chemical reaction; physical and chemical properties; gas laws; periodicity of elements;  solutions, chemistry of life

Course Code:DEN1400C
Credits Hours:4
Prerequisite Course:MED1300C
Course Description: This course will provide an overview of dental anatomy, including the primary and permanent dentitions includes an introductory lecture and laboratory on the morphology and nomenclature of selected individual teeth of the adult dentition; introduction to tooth histology and function; and forensic dentistry. Emphasis will be on the development of manual dexterity, perception, and evaluative skills.

Course Code:DEN2200C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN1400C
Course Description: The course includes the preclinical procedures for complete denture construction and their interdependence procedures will be stressed. This course will cover the basic principles of clinical removable prosthodontics treatment for completely edentulous patients and the different laboratory steps for complete denture construction Demonstrate sound knowledge of the biological and technical aspects of complete dentures and their integration with the clinical procedures which will be taught in the succeeding clinical prosthodontic courses. Apply all the laboratory procedures related to the construction of complete dentures

Course Code:DEN2210C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2200C
Course Description: The course includes the preclinical procedures for complete denture construction and their inter dependence procedures will be stressed. The candidate should learn the basic principles of clinical removable prosthodontics treatment for completely edentulous patients, and the different laboratory steps for complete denture construction

Course Code:DEN2220C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:MED1310C
Course Description: This course will continue into more details of the head and neck region. In this course over 2 semesters, the student will learn about the structures of the head and neck area.
On successful completion of the course students will be able to: Understand and apply anatomical terminology when identifying and describing the anatomy of the head and neck region, also describe and identify major musculoskeletal elements of the skull, face, ear, nasal cavity. Identify the major blood vessels, which supply the structures of the head and neck area

Course Code:DEN2225C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2220C
Course Description: This course will continue into more details of the head and neck section one. In this course over 2 semesters, the student will learn about the structures of the head and neck with structures related to CNS.
On successful completion of the course students will be able to: Understand and apply anatomical terminology when identifying and describing the anatomy of the head and neck region, also describe and identify major elements of the pharynx, larynx, oral cavity, and cervical with thoracic regions. With CNS Identify the major blood vessels which supply the structures of the head and neck area. In addition blood supply of the Brain.

Course Code:DEN2205C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course: DEN2200C
Course Description: This course discusses the biological, chemical, and physical properties of biomaterials used in dentistry and their

Course Code:DEN2300C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED2300C
Course Description:

This course will provide a broad knowledge of oral and maxillofacial histological structures and development of the face and oral cavity using lectures and microscopic tissue images. The course emphasizes the formation and the microscopic organization of the oral cavity, teeth and supporting tissues. The subject is divided into the following general headings: Embryology of the orofacial region, oral structures and features including tooth and supporting tissues, mucosal structure and function and salivary glands.

Knowledge of structure and function at the microscopic and molecular level is essential for high quality patient care because it is at the foundation of understanding the function of anatomical systems, local pain, anesthesia, oral pathology, and the interpretation of medical history.

Course Code:DEN2200
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course: MED2405C
Course Description:. This course is designed to provide the students with the required knowledge in oral physiology which is necessary to be applied at a later stage during their clinical training for diagnosis and treatment of disease. The lecture topics include the regulation of salivary glands and the role of electrolytes in the formation of saliva, the neural mechanisms underlying salivary excretion, mineralization, mechanisms of taste, dynamics of mastication and swallowing, mechanism of speech, physiology of pain and healing of oral structures.

Course Code:DEN2202C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2200C
Course Description: This is the first course in a series of two courses that introduces fundamental concepts of operative
dentistry emphasizing biomaterials science and its clinical application. This preclinical course includes a theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component is designed to give the students basic cognitive knowledge of the principals, terminology, instruments, materials and techniques utilized in the practice of operative dentistry. The practical component provides the student with the initial experience in the application of restorative procedures for managing the carious process on phantom heads.

Course Code:DEN3200C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2210C
Course Description: The course covers technical aspect of removable partial denture construction. The course, in general, is designed to prepare the student to understand the biological, mechanical as well as the aesthetic aspect of Removable partial denture treatment. And make them prepared for clinical removable course in the 4th year 

Course Code:DEN3216C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2202C
Course Description: This is the second course in a series of two courses that introduces fundamental concepts of operative
dentistry emphasizing biomaterials science and its clinical application. This preclinical course includes a theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component is designed to give the students basic cognitive knowledge of the principals, terminology, instruments, materials and techniques utilized in the practice of operative dentistry. The practical component provides the student with the initial experience in the application of restorative procedures for managing the carious process on phantom heads. The student should perform a series of clinical exercises utilizing current instrumentation, materials, and techniques.

Course Code:DEN3211
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:CHM2415C
Course Description:

 Principle of drug therapy (pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics).
 Drugs affecting specific system.

Course Code:DEN3105
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course: DEN2200
Course Description: This course provides an overview of the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
The course teaches students how to deal with stressful patients and rejection from these by applying scientific thinking, students can evaluate claims about daily life.
At the end, students will be able to recognize some psychological states and disorders and apply their knowledge when seeing and talking to patients at chair side

Course Code:DEN3213C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2105
Course Description: This course includes reviewing information on radiation formation and their characteristics which were taken in previous course. All Intraoral radiographic techniques will be discussed in this course in detail.
Practicing all intraoral radiographic techniques and taking radiographs for patients.
Dental film processing methods and steps will be studied. All processing steps are practiced by students. Classification of radiographic errors with cause and solution of each error will be discussed in detail. Intraoral radiographic landmarks will be studied. Intraoral radiographic interpretation will be studied.

Course Code:DEN3241C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2202C

Course Description: The taught program of crown and bridge within this semester includes teaching in both theory and preclinical laboratory. Theory lessons will focus on different types of crown and method of preparations on teeth. Then the required techniques and materials for completing crown and bridge will be taught such as impression taking, try-in and cementation.
Preclinical laboratory will be about teaching students to prepare different types of crown on plastic teeth in phantom heads.

Course Code:DEN3215C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3200C

Course Description: The course consists of didactic and practical components concerned with the procedures involved in the design and construction of Acrylic and cobalt chromium removable partial denture.

Course Code:DEN3210C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3216C
Course Description: Lectures and laboratory exercises on the extracted teeth include the basic theory and practice of endodontic therapy. Topics include diagnostic procedures for pulp and periradicular diseases and pulp canal anatomy and the techniques, materials and instruments used to clean, shape, and obturate root-canal spaces. 

Course Code:DEN3220C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2225C
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to Oral surgery. The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for the upcoming clinical courses with skills and knowledge related to the daily practice of dentistry.  

Course Code:DEN3212
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3211
Course Description:

• Drugs affecting specific system.
• Drugs for specific conditions.

Course Code:DEN3300C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN3105
Course Description: A systematic study & information about cardiovascular system , nervous system, lymphatic and immune systems, respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system & endocrine system, as well as some of their common pathologies that may directly or indirectly useful for dentistry students .
Practical sessions will be performed on patients in hospital & we try to show the students different types of signs & teaching them how to take history & how to do proper general &some specific examinations including vital signs.

Course Code:DEN3214C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3213C
Course Description: Extra oral radiographic techniques with their purposes and indications are covered by this course. New inventions in radiology are studied and students will be updated with new digital technology in radiology field and all types of imaging used in dentistry are medicine will be included in this course.
Radiation effects on the human body at the cellular level with mechanisms of radiation injury will be studied. Methods of patient and operator protection from radiation risks will be studied. International commission of radiation protection (ICRP) guidelines studied and followed.

Course Code:DEN3110
Credits Hours:1
Prerequisite Course:MED3300C
Course Description:

An introduction to periodontology science and scope of normal and diseased structures supporting the teeth this includes functional, and environmental factors. This course includes topics in assessment, etiology, pathology, as well as the classifications of periodontal diseases. Furthermore, basic pre-clinical topics of periodontal instrument and instrumentation, patients’ case sheet as well as motivation and oral hygiene instruction provide wide understanding of this subject. It is a thorough yet easy to understand approach which the clinician can easily remember the important aspects of this subject.


Course Code:DEN4230C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3211
Course Description:

During this course the student will gain knowledge of dental aspects of systemic diseases in terms of their effect on dental treatment and their effect on the oral hard and soft tissues. They will learn the effects of drugs used in the treatment of systemic diseases on the oral health of the patients and how they complicate dental treatment. Students treat medically compromised patients and those with disabilities. This course will introduce the fundamental science and steps for the dental team to apply for the prevention, recognition, diagnosis, intervention and treatment of medical emergencies in the dental office setting. Students will engage in discussion and drills to acquire skills necessary for the management of such emergencies, including CPR and Basic life support.

Course Code:DEN3225
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:MTH3320
Course Description: Description of the concepts and principles of public health in general and dental public health in particular with a special focus on dental health education. The basic epidemiological aspects of dental disease as dental caries and periodontal diseases concentrating on measuring the conditions and risk factors via indices are covered. Moreover, the course must identify the new approaches in prevention of oral and dental disease.

Course Code:DEN3120
Credits Hours:1
Prerequisite Course:MED3300C
Course Description:

The unique nature of many dental procedures, instrumentation, and patient-care settings requires

specific strategies directed to prevent the transmission of pathogens among dental healthcare workers and their patients. In this course all basic information in infection control program will be explained for all student and provide them with up-to-date, evidence-based principles and practices effective in eliminating the risk of spread of harmful pathogens to patients, staff and visitors in a dental setting.

Course Code:DEN4210C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3215C
Course Description:

The course consists of theoretical and laboratory components of teaching conventional complete dentures. It covers the theoretical background of different phases of treatment  with conventional complete dentures include diagnosis ,treatment planning and treatment procedures. Lectures focus on basic concepts .principles, indication and limitation of clinical and laboratory procedures .During the laboratory sessions students are instructed to do all the laboratory procedures required for complete denture fabrication.

Course Code:DEN4200C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3210C
Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce dental students to operative dentistry as a health care science.  The student will study the elementary concepts of tooth structure, dental caries, and pathological loss of tooth structure due to dental caries or any other reason like attrition, abrasion and erosion. Basic principles of cavity preparation and restoration for pathologically damaged tooth will be presented and applied.

This course is designed to teach the student the basic principles and techniques to restore tooth structure damaged by caries, fracture or trauma direct and indirect restorative materials.  It will build on the knowledge and techniques learned from preclinical course on the phantom teeth on the 3rd stage.

The course will introduce variations based on the extent of the lesion, the restorative materials selected and functional and/or esthetic requirements.

All dental materials used in operative procedures will be reviewed with emphasis on factors affecting their required, final clinical performance.

Course Code:DEN4310C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN3220C
Course Description:

In this course students will gain basic knowledge and skills in some topics in oral surgery. The students will also gain skills in extracting simple teeth. More complex procedures will be assisted by the students.

Course Code:DEN4305C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:MED3300C
Course Description:

This course deals with the understanding of the basic disease processes affecting the head and neck regions, including; the etiopathogenesis, mechanism, clinical features, histopathologic features, and differential diagnosis. This course provides useful information for diagnosis the different diseases affecting teeth, bone, and gives a key for differentiating the disorders clinically and radiographically. Then by histopathological finding, the characteristic finding of a particular disease is achieved.

Course Code:DEN4215C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3110
Course Description:

This is the second course in a series of four courses that introduces basics of periodontics for undergraduate students. This course includes a theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component is designed to give the students basic cognitive knowledge of the normal periodontium, classification of periodontal disease, microbiology and immunology in periodontal disease. Beside that the course focus on gingivitis, etiology of gingivitis and treatment needed for gingivitis. The practical component provides the student with the basic experience in recording periodontal case sheet, diagnosis of periodontal diseases and performing phase 1 periodontal therapy procedures through hand instruments in patient’s mouth.

Course Code:DEN4240
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3225
Course Description:

Prevention of the occurrence of a disease/or progression to further tissue destruction is the main goal of
preventive dentistry through each community-based or individual-based program. Dental caries and
periodontal disease are the two most frequently happening diseases of the teeth causing their loss. The better
the way of prevention or dealing with these two problems, the higher the chance of keeping teeth for life. Accordingly,
the course focuses on epidemiology and prevention of oral and dental diseases with a special interest in the
assessment of community needs and implementation of dental health education programs

Course Code:DEN4244C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN2205C
Course Description:

This is the first course in a series of two courses that introduces basics of dental materials science. This course includes a theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component is designed to give the students science of the characteristics with physical, mechanical biological and chemical properties of the materials used in Restorative dentistry, classification of dental materials according to their uses and applications. In the practical component provides the student with the process of the handling and experiencing their use according to the applications and uses.

Course Code:DEN4241C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN3300C
Course Description:

This course deals with the clinical features and medical management of the main oro – facial diseases. Students will learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of the patient to the probable disease and manage them by therapeutic or palliative treatment whichever is necessary.

Students will be trained to request the appropriate investigations, and manage the condition or refer the patient to a specialist.

Course Code:DEN
Credits Hours:1
Prerequisite Course:DEN3241C
Course Description:

Course Code:DEN4235C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4210C
Course Description:

The course consists of theoretical and laboratory components of teaching conventional complete and removable partial dentures.

It covers the theoretical background of different phases of treatment with conventional complete and removable partial denture, include diagnosis, treatment planning and mouth preparations procedures for

removable partial denture. Lectures focus on basic concepts. principles, indication and limitation of clinical and laboratory procedures, and occlusion concepts in complete dentures, insertion and

adjustment procedures.

Course Code:DEN4220C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4200C
Course Description:

These course including lectures and clinical practice of endodontic therapy on the patient mouth with review of recent diagnostic imaging with management of pain during endodontic therapy with treatment of endodontic emergency cases then how overcome errors occur during access opening, preparation and obturation of root canal system with endodontic including how use apex locator and shaping of root canal system with rotary NiTi system.

Course Code:DEN4330C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN4310C
Course Description:

In this course, students will build on knowledge and skills gained in Oral Surgery I and deal with more complicated cases. The students will also gain skills in extracting complicated teeth and doing some basic surgical procedures.

Course Code:DEN4325C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN4305C
Course Description:

This course deals with the understanding of the basic disease processes affecting the head and neck regions, including; the etiopathogenesis, mechanism, clinical features, histopathologic features, and differential diagnosis. This course provides useful information for diagnosis the different diseases affecting oral mucosa, intra oral soft tissues, and salivary glands and gives a key for differentiating the disorders clinically and radiographically. Then by histological finding, the characteristic finding of a particular disease is achieved.

Course Code:DEN4225C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4215C
Course Description:

This is the second course in a series of two courses that introduces basics of periodontics. It includes theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component is designed to give students the knowledge of the pathology of gingival and periodontal diseases as well as the consequences of gingival distraction through extension of inflammation to the dental supporting structures. It includes: defense mechanism of the gingiva, different risk factors associated with gingival and periodontal disease, Formation of different type of periodontal pocket as a result of distraction of periodontal fibers, Involvement of bone and destruction of hard structure around teeth, furcation involvement, extension of inflammation to dental apex and involvement of dental pulp, effect of periodontium on systemic health and vice versa, tooth sensitivity and management of these conditions. The practical component provides the student with the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases, using periodontal instruments and performing phase 1 periodontal therapy procedures in patient’s mouth and treatment of mild to moderate gingival and periodontal diseases as well as involvement of students through case-based discussion, direct observation procedures, seminars, group activities and assignments.

Course Code:DEN4245C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4200C
Course Description:

Pre-clinical pedodontics might be the first and most unique course in dental schools all over Iraq, it is designed to prepare undergraduate senior dental students at Komar university to understand basic principles of pediatric dentistry with theoretical tutorials and practical sessions in the laboratory on phantom heads.  The course will help students to identify how a child differs from an adult patient, they will be introduced to various methods of behavior management and recognize the most appropriate technique to work for a given child in the clinical scenario. In addition to detailed dental and medical history taking, course enrollers will be taught how to examine patients intra and extra-orally and will be taught list of important medical conditions and diseases that effects on dental and oral hygiene. Furthermore, radiographic investigations are considered corner stones in modern dental practice, these X-ray techniques will be outlined to students and applied on students themselves to help them memorize its application on patients. Moreover, our applicants will be introduced to various materials in restorative dentistry and learn to describe the cons and pros of each one of them and select the best one for each case. Nonetheless, students will learn the socioeconomic and microbiological causes of dental caries in children, progression of the diseases, mechanical and chemical methods of plaque control and prevention of the illness. Finally, management of children with special needs will be outlined in the sessions.

Course Code:DEN4241C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4200
Course Description:

This course deals with the clinical features and medical management of the main oro – facial diseases. Students will learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of the patient to the probable disease and manage them by therapeutic or palliative treatment whichever is necessary.

Students will be trained to request the appropriate investigations, and manage the condition or refer the patient to a specialist.

Course Code:DEN4205C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:KPT3050
Course Description:

The course includes the preclinical procedures for orthodontic , To be learned the factors effected on the growth and development, the analysis and diagnostic methods of malocclusion, the changes in transition from the giving basic principles of normal growth and development, and its relation to orthodontics; evaluating normal occlusion and stomatognatic system; teaching orthodontic anomalies and their

etiology.In addition, the course will expose the students to the various orthodontic records, and it will prepare the students to analyze them and interpret the findings. The course also allows the students to recognize different orthodontic appliances.

Course Code:DEN4105
Credits Hours:1
Prerequisite Course:HUM3215
Course Description:

Evidence-based dentistry is the integration and interpretation of the available current research evidence, combined with personal experience. It allows dentists, as well as students, to keep abreast of new developments and to make decisions that should improve their clinical practice. It is an approach to oral health care that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating to the patient’s oral and medical condition and history, together with the dentist’s clinical expertise and the patient’s treatment needs and preferences

Course Code:DEN5215C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4235C
Course Description:

The course consists of theoretical and laboratory components of teaching conventional complete and removable partial dentures, relining and rebasing of complete and RPD in addition repair and addition of teeth to RPD. Also technique of functional impression for FEE partial denture. construction of immediate dentures, over denture and single denture.

It covers the theoretical background of different phases of treatment with conventional and dentures for flat ridges complete dentures and different types of removable partial denture, include diagnosis, treatment planning and mouth preparations procedures for removable partial denture. Lectures focus on basic concepts. principles, indication and limitation of clinical and laboratory procedures, and occlusion concepts in complete dentures, insertion and adjustment procedure

Course Code:DEN5300C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN4220C
Course Description:

These course including lectures and clinical practice of endodontic therapy on the patient mouth with review of recent diagnostic imaging with management of pain during endodontic therapy with treatment of endodontic emergency cases then how overcome errors occurs during access opening, preparation and obturation of root canal system with endodontic including how use apex locator review of recent advances in and shaping of root canal system with rotary NiTi system.

Course Code:DEN5310C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN4330C
Course Description:

In this course students will build on knowledge and skills gained in Oral Surgery II and deal with more complicated cases.

The students will also gain skills in performing and assisting minor oral surgical techniques.

Course Code:DEN5205C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4205C
Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce the student to diagnoses all the dental and skeletal problems with treatment planning of comprehensive mixed dentition or early orthodontic treatment cases. Also, removable orthodontic appliances will be taught and demonstrated with taking a case at the clinics. Orthodontic. students learn to outline and evaluate alternative treatment possibilities for patients with facial and occlusal deformities that may require combined therapy. Review and presentation of the cases and of the records of patients is included.

Course Code:DEN5305C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN4225C
Course Description:

This is the last course in a series of four courses that introduces subjects of periodontology for undergraduate students. It includes theoretical and practical component. The theoretical component is designed to provide students the knowledge of treatment of gingival and periodontal diseases as well as the phase II periodontal procedures. It includes: Diagnosis, assessing and treatment of patients complaining of periodontal diseases through non-surgical and surgical procedures. Most of the times in advanced cases of periodontal diseases surgical intervention required for elimination, correction and prevention of defects resulted from the disease. Different types of flap reflection, gingivectomy techniques, osseous resective surgeries, regeneration techniques and periodontal plastic surgeries will be gained through this course. The practical component will be the continuation of theoretical part that provides the skill of treatment of periodontal diseases and performing phase II periodontal therapy procedures in patient’s mouth and treatment of moderate to advanced gingival and periodontal diseases as well as involvement of students through case-based discussion, direct observation procedures, seminars, group activities and assignments.

Course Code:DEN5220C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4245
Course Description:

Pedodontics is designed to prepare undergraduate senior dental students at Komar university to understand basic principles of pediatric dentistry with theoretical tutorials and practical sessions in pediatric clinics.  The course will help students to identify how a child differs from an adult patient, they will be introduced to various methods of behavior management and recognize the most appropriate technique to work for a given child in the clinical scenario. In addition to detailed dental and medical history taking, course enrollers will be taught how to examine patients intra and extra-orally and will be taught list of important medical conditions and diseases that effects on dental and oral hygiene. Furthermore, radiographic investigations are considered corner stones in modern dental practice, Moreover, our applicants will be introduced to various materials in restorative dentistry and learn to describe the cons and pros of each one of them and select the best one for each case.


Course Code:DEN5225C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN4241C
Course Description:

This course is continuation to Oral Medicine I which deals with the clinical features and medical management of the main oro – facial diseases. Students will learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of the patient to the probable disease and manage them by therapeutic or palliative treatment whichever is necessary.

Students will be trained to request the appropriate investigations, and manage the condition or refer the patient to a specialist.

Course Code:DEN5230C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN5215C
Course Description:

The course consists of theoretical and laboratory components of teaching conventional complete and removable partial dentures, relining and rebasing of complete and RPD in addition repair and addition of teeth to RPD. Also, technique of functional impression for FEE partial denture. construction of immediate dentures, over denture and single denture. It covers the theoretical background of different phases of treatment with conventional and dentures for flat ridges. Theory of neutral zone technique, Maxillofacial. Prosthodontics, Materials used in Maxillofacial prosthesis, Geriatric dentistry, and classification of resorbed ridges (RRR).

Course Code:DEN5315C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:DEN5300C
Course Description:

These course including lectures and clinical practice of crown and bridge preparation on extracted teeth and inside patient mouth with thorough oral and general examination of the patient and occlusion before starting tooth preparation. Two types of fixed partial denture are required from students to prepare on patients then followed by impression taking and temporary restoration placement inside patient mouth. Following sessions in the clinic, students try-in the restoration inside patient mouth for checking occlusion and seating of the restoration, if the restoration is proper it would be cemented inside patient mouth with giving required motivation to the patient for post insertion care.

Course Code:DEN5211C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN5310C
Course Description:

In this course, students will gain basic knowledge and skills in some topics in dental implantology. The students will also gain basic practical skills for manipulating and inserting dental implants on models.    

Course Code:DEN5235C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN5205C
Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce the student to diagnoses all the dental and skeletal problems including cleft lip and palate patients with treatment planning of comprehensive mixed dentition or early orthodontic treatment cases. Also, removable orthodontic appliances will be taught and demonstrated with taking a case at the clinics. Orthodontic. students learn to outline and evaluate alternative treatment possibilities for patients with facial and occlusal deformities that may require combined therapy. Review and presentation of the cases and of the records of patients is included.

Course Code:DEN5245C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN5220C
Course Description:

Course Code:KGP4495
Credits Hours:4
Prerequisite Course: Dep. Approval
Course Description:

List of Elective Courses

Course Code:DEN5250C
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:DEN5300C
Course Description:

The Advanced Esthetic Dentistry course allows students to have direct interaction with most dental specialties, including Conservative, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Surgery, and Orthodontics. Therefore, it contributes in providing a multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and management of patients’ esthetics, restorative and functional needs.

Course Code:DEN5151
Credits Hours:1
Prerequisite Course:DEN5300C
Course Description:

In this course, students will gain basic knowledge and skills in some topics in dental implantology. The students will also gain basic practical skills for manipulating and inserting dental implants on models.