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A symposium on Oral Health Problems

On February 25th 2019, department of dentistry held a symposium on “Oral Health Problems”. The first session was presented by Dr. Sana Salahaddin. She mainly focused on the common oral and dental problems. She addressed that to maintain dental health, proper treatment and awareness regarding dental health is a basic concern of a human. Good dental health is essential to improve individual overall health and well-being. In addition, oral cancers and oral tissue lesions are significant concerns. Therefore, personal hygiene cares and dietary modification should be recommended.

Furthermore, the second under the title Halitosis (bad breath) was presented by Prof. Dr. Shanaz M. Gaphor. She focused more on Oral malodor or halitosis which was defined as a condition characterized by unpleasant odors arising from the oral cavity. She also addressed that real halitosis has oral and extra-oral etiologies and the pathophysiology involves interaction of anaerobic microbes (mainly) with the proteins present in the oral cavity fluids and contents, resulting in production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). Furthermore, these VSCs, beyond responsible for halitosis, can also initiate and accelerate periodontal disease progression.

After having a short coffee break, the third session was presented by Prof. Dr. Soza Abdul Aziz. The title of the session was Lesions related to removable dentures. She mentioned that, since growing the proportion of elderly in the world, so oral lesions related to removable denture-wearing are an important issue. Also, removable dentures would not replace the patients’ normal dentition. Furthermore, the repeated use can cause lesions of the oral mucosa that may represent acute or chronic reactions to microbial denture plaque, a reaction to components of the denture base material, or a mechanical denture injury. These lesions can cause pain in the mouth while swallowing, speech and mastication.

By the end of the symposium, the Q&A session took place and the presenters answered the questions accordingly. They also shared some advice to avoid oral diseases that caused by removable prosthesis. They also said that a correct and daily hygiene should be accomplished by the elderly and dentists should instruct the patients for removing the denture at night and routine follow-up visits for oral health monitoring and periodic assessments.


