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Komar University Hosts Successful Dentistry Scientific Day

On July 18, 2024, Komar University of Science and Technology successfully hosted the Dentistry Scientific Day in collaboration with Tokuyama and Bisco companies. This event brought together experts in the fields of Endodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry, offering a platform for professional development and networking.

Renowned speakers, including Dr. Ubaydah Algailani, Dr. Muhammed Bahadeen, and Dr. Yad Mariwan, shared their extensive knowledge and insights on the latest advancements in dentistry. Their presentations provided attendees with valuable information and fostered an environment of learning and collaboration.

The Dentistry Scientific Day was a remarkable opportunity for participants to gain cutting-edge knowledge and engage with leading professionals in the industry. Komar University remains committed to promoting excellence in dental education and fostering connections within the professional community.
